1 Aralık 2012 Cumartesi

Anatolian Black Grapes


  This precious grape originated in the provinces of Elazığ and Malatya. The grape, which ripens from the mid of September to mid- October, has black colour and large berries. Öküzgözü was used for wine making and as a table grape by Armenians for thousands of years.
  Wines produced from these grapes hava soft tannins, high acidity, good balance, richness and elegance. They reveal red fruits aromas (cherry, sour cherry, jam), black mulberry and earthy aromas. Both young and ageble wines can be produced from Öküzgözü. This grape is suitable for oak maturation.


https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgXf0j1EmySPwof0C3ckdKOFRxtyAyvYrlauzSKJZKvO4I5OJzPaHH7NzPxtcFgKVbora1SYYC-ddLzFYp_WUpLqJo5SaacRRNW99JbUt_buZpghO0PbOTQQXQflW9b7ac6dbwaSmVquvk/s1600/bo%C4%9Fazkere_2.jpgGrown in and around Diyarbakir, this is one of Anatolian best quality red wine grape variety. It is grown in pebbly, sometimes chalky and clayish, red soil. The area where these grapes are cultivated lies just south of the mountains seperating the Anatolian tablelands, on the Mesopotamian flatland between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.
  Medium, dark, thick skinned, with high tannin content grapes wines produced from these grapes have black mulberry, fig, cherry, black olive, spice, earthy and animal aromas. This variety is suitable for maturation in oak barrels. 

Kalecik Karası

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhN_vpo8o6d6Q4jFD1Vg_SlMciLsv86mEvXTaTA9v9nl1EcbC2FMIr4YQ-LifvPCchIYOfMRx3RU14QeEAA0SEEIL_qiFhjBGi3g6KFtCJGTAkkFbGHzHQNob6wwhRGTbbqkE95C5u9pig/s400/kalecik+karasi_2.JPGCentral Anatolian high quality wine grape which is grown in Kalecik district in Kızılırmak basin. Kalecik Karası is round, bluish black, thin skinned wine grape. The wines produced from this grape is medium intensity red in colour; reveals pronounced red fruits aromas and it has low to medium tannin with high acidity. The most pronounced aromas of the grape are stawberry, raspberry and cherry. They are suitable for aging in oak barrels. 
 The maturation and aging process in the oak barrels imparts a complex aroma of spice, dried fruit and coffee. This grape is suitable for making both young and aged wines. 

Çal Karası 

Çal Karası is a variety of red wine grape from the Çal district of the Denizli Province in Turkey. It also gives its name to a wine produced from the grape which gives berry fruit flavors. The wines are around 12-13 % alcohol, with 5-7 grams acidity. Wine made from this grape matches with any kind of aperitif togather with fruits, pastries and cheese.

24 Kasım 2012 Cumartesi

Anatolian White Grapes


http://www.gurmerehberi.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Narince.jpgNarince is an indigeneous Anatolian grape variety originated in Tokat. Tokat is the transition zone where Black Sea climate ends and turns into continental climate. The soil here is composed of clay and sand with some pebbles. The vines used to be vinifera are grafted on American rootstocks and a high training system on wires has also been applied thanks to the Kavaklıdere's support in the process for 15-20 years. Narince grapes are also grown on the Anatolia tableland south of the mountains near the Black See shores. This region continues throughout the Yeşilırmak

Citrus fruits (orange, grapefruit, lemon), pear, mineral (limy-earthy) and floral (white flowers) aromas are pronounced for Narince. Narince is an exceptional Anatolian white grape that can be maturedin oak barrels. Wine produced from the Narince grape has a richness, creaminess and good balance. The best examples are suitable for aging.


http://www.kuzinedekizaranekmek.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Beyaz-uzum.bmpEmir is an indigenous Anatolian grape variety grown in the region Nevşehir. There grapes are grown in volcanic soil in the micro-climate of the Kızılırmak basin, 900 meters above sea level.

Wine produced from Emir has greenish pale yellow colour, high acidity, minerality and elegant aromas of apple, lemon and minerals. These grapes are quite suitable for making sparkling wine.

Bornova Misketi

http://cdn.gurmerehberi.com/wp-content/themes/arras-theme/library/timthumb.php?src=http://cdn.gurmerehberi.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/muskat.jpg&w=630&h=250&zc=1Bornova Misketi is originated in İzmir; variants are grown in Europe and are used to produce different styles of Muscat wine throughout the world.

Bornova Misketi is a thick skinned, medium sized and juicy, these grapes are grown around the city of İzmir. Bornova Misketi vineyards are usually goblet pruned where the soil is composed of clay and sand in the Mediterranean climate near the Aegean Sea.

The wine produced from this grape is distinctively aromatic including fresh flowers, bergamot, raisins and exotic fruits aromas.


http://www.gidagundemi.com/images/haberler/slovenyada_sultaniye_uzumu_soku_h152.jpgSultaniye is a fleshy, and seedless white grape and it is grown in Manisa and Denizli. Most of them used as table grapes or dried to make raisins in Turkey. Near Denizli, the soil is low fertile and composed of clay, sand and calcer. A goblet pruning system is used and the vines take the advantage of continental climate modified by proximity to the Mediterranean Sea.

Wine produced from Sultaniye grapes have the potential to be delicious, fruity revealing aromas like apricot, peach, bananas and pineapples.

29 Eylül 2012 Cumartesi

Şarap Anadolu İksiri

   ''Gemi yedinci ayda, ayın onyedinci gününde Ararat(Ağrı) dağları üzerine oturdu...ve Nuh çifti olmaya başladı; ve bir bağ dikti, ve şaraptan içip sarhoş oldu.'' Tekvin(Yaratılış). Vitis Vinifera denen bu büyülü meyvenin ilk olarak Nuh Peygamber tarafından Anadoluda bugünkü Ağrı Dağının eteklerinde üretildildiği rivayet edilmektedir.

Yunan Mitolojisindeki Şarap Tanrısı Dionysos en çok inanılan Tanrı olarak bilinmektedir. Mısır tarihinde Ra insanları tanrıça Hathor'dan korumak için şarap yaratır. Hititlerde Gal Gestin denilen şarap bakanı bulunmaktaydı ayrıca Hititlerin Şarap Kanunları da vardı. Areni Ermenistan da bulunan şarap mahseni 6000 yıl öncesine kadar dayanmaktadır.

Şarap yapımıznda bağlar genelde yamaşlarda bulunur bunun amacı güneş görmesi ayrıca su baskını meydana gelirse bir sıkıntı yaratmasın diye. Dünya genelinde şarap 30-50'nci paralelleri arasında en iyi yetişmektedir. Don, dolu, şiddetli yağmur ve yetersiz güneş şarapda rekoltenin düşmesine sebep olmaktadır. İyi üzümün, iyi alkollü yani şekerli olması gerekmektedir. Ayrıca şarapda yeteri kadar asit bulunmalıdı, ayrıca kırmızı şaraplarda tanen(burukluk) bulunmalıdır. Şarapda dengeyi sağlayan en önemli unsur asittir, asit şekeri dengelemektedir. Beyaz şarabın soğuk görmesi gerekmektedir, bu açıdan Kapadokya bölgesi gece ve gündüz sıcaklıkları açısından beyaz şarap için en uygun bölgelerdendir.

19. yüzyıl sonunda Amerikada ortaya çıkan Filoksera zararlısı üzüm köklerini yiyerek bağın ölümüne yol açmaktadır. Avrupa'da bağcılığın sonunun getirmeye kadar yaklaşan bu zararlıya çözüm Amerikan köklerinin aşılanması ile bulunmuştur.

Şarabın uygun saklama koşulları; şişeler yatık olarak saklanmalıdır(mantar hava almasın diye), şişeler sabit sıcaklıkda(10-15C) saklanmalıdır, şişelerin saklandığı ortamın nem oranı %70-75 civarında olmalıdır. Direk ışık görmeyen bir noktada saklanmalıdır ayrıca ses ve gürültüden uzak bir mekan seçilmelidir. Şişelerin bulunduğu ortamda havalandırma bulunmalıdır. 

Yanlış bilinen doğrulardan biri kaliteli şarap için fıçı olmazsa olmaz değildir. Bütün şaraplar fıçıya girmek zorunda değildir fakat insanlar kaliteli şarabın fıçı şarabı olduğunu düşünmektedirler. Türkiyeden örnek verecek olursan Emir üzümleri fıçıya uygun değildir fakat Narince üzümleri fıçı için uygundur.

Meyveli şarap denilen bir terim bulunmamaktadır. Şarap üzümden yapılmaktadır ve meyve tadını üzüm çeşidine alınmaktadır. Meyve şarabı denen olay olsa olsa meyve suyu olabilir. 

7 Eylül 2012 Cuma

Dionysos The God of the Wine

   Dionysos is the god of the wine who was born in the Pendore(Manisa) Turkey. He is the son of Zeus and mortal Semele. Hera wife of the Zeus discovered that the Zeus has the son and sent Titans to kill Semele. Titans killed Semele and Zeus took Dionysos from mothers stomach and put him in to his leg. When birth time came Dionysos borned again.  

Dionysos is the major popular figure of the Greek Mythology. He is known also as the god of the death and renewal of life like vine. He is an example of dying god. His festivals play important role in development of the theatre. Tragedia and Komedia was born with these festivals which were organized for Dionysos. 

He represent social and beneficial impacts of the wine instead of its drunk impacts. Greeks know that drinking wine makes people happy but too much drinking makes people drunken and because of this Dionysos is known also as the god of evil. Dionysos is separated from the other gods of Olympus in many ways, none of the other gods stays closer to the people than Dionysos. He is the supporter of civilization and he is peace lover. 

All legend are built on a single motif, response and resistance. Dionysos dies and reborn as the vine tree, he stays between pleasure and pain because of this he represent manic-depressive mood in psychology. Dionysos has got a glass which was called Kantharos and this glass has the power of rehabilitation. Person who drink from this glass gets brave and because of this people believe Dionysos.

10 Ağustos 2012 Cuma

Integrated Marketing Communication

   Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) is designed to make all aspects of marketing communication such as advertising, sales promotion, public relations and direct marketing to work togather as a unified force, rather than permitting each to work is isolation. 

IMC as philosophical concept, dictates that all parties involved in the firm's communication efforts co-ordinate to speak to target audiences with one voice, a unified message and consistent image. 

IMC is a process that entails the planning, creation, integration and implemention of diverse forms of marketing promotion. All marketing communications should be; clearly positioned, directed to particular target market, created to achieve a specific objective and undertaken to accomplish the objective within budget constraint.

In the traditional view of marketing communication the concepts; transactions, consumers, one to many and product driven were important but in the integrated communication; relationship, stakeholders, one to few and customer driven communications are important. We could say that in the integrated communication close relationship is more important. 

Marketing communication changed because of the development in the informations technologies, changes in channel power, increase in competition, maturing marketing, brand parity, integration of information by consumers and decline in effectiveness of mass media advertising. 

When we use IMC we create clarity and we avoide giving conflicting messages, we create consistency alla messages convey the core values of corporate identity and brand and we create synergy that messages reinforce each other through repetition and development. 

Integration is very important in everywhere. There is a proverb ''union gives strength'', you could create big effect with creating synergy. In marketing when brand messages are integrated they reinforce each other and create synergy effect like 2+2=5.