Having an active life is important for people, especially for young people. It is important to heed while you are living active, dynamic life you have to care about your health. You can do lot's of things jointly but important point is you have to know your limit and you have to stop there. If you want to go to body building and after to drinking it is okay but you have to be willed. There are some basic tips that you have to consider if you want to have active but also healty life.
1. Diet: You have to keep your weight under control. There are lots web sites that you can calculate your ideal weight. If you have excess weight you have to diet. You have to eat six times in order to eat two times or three times, this is the key point. You have to forget about sweets, you can eat limited for example once a week. Drinking Coffee is not healty especially with cigarette, but if you still want to drink you should drink without sugar. Drinking Green Tea three or four time weekly is better than coffee for me. Green has antioxidant, it helps for your diet and health. You should take proteins from natural sources like chicken and eggs. Chicken and eggs are best proteins but you should eat limited. Three or four eggs weekly is enough. You should eat as many as possible fruits and vegetables. For example eating white apples can suppress your hunger. Every morning you have to drink two or three squeezed oranges if you don't want to be sick in winter times. You have to drink minimum two liters water daily, this is also important. Eating bread also is not good but you can eat oatmeal bread. Oat is the best food for who care about being fit and healty. There lot's of sites that you can calculate your daily calori need.
2. Sport: Dieting only is not enough to lose weight, you have to support your diet with sport. It is important to go to the gym. Going to gym is also a social activity that you can meet lot's poeple and learn many informations that you cannot find in any site. Ideal times for doing sport are between 10 and 12 hours, also between 16 and 19 hours. Morning sport is best because your heart works perfect but you should not be hungry. Four time weekly is enough for doing sport. You should run the same muscle group only twice a week. Your abdominal group should have priority, you have to have lean body first and after you can build muscles with proteins. Taking proteins is important but you have to take naturally. Taking drugs is not healty, you can take proteins with foods like eggs, chickens,rice and others. You should eat an hour before gym. Also some says that you should eat an hour after gym for building muscles but, for me this is not healty.